An Old Souls description of Life, Death, Heaven & Hell
In this moment our conscious realization converges with our subconscious sense of knowing and we become One with all there is.

A daughter speaks to her mom about what she does now in Spirit...
I feel like it’s important, like I did learn things in life that I can use to help others with and I think that’s the greatest gift of me.

Who Am I? What Am I doing here? Where Am I going?
There is a light at the core of all souls,
Within this light is the capacity to know and comprehend One’s self in totality.

Imagine everybody you ever knew wrapping their arms around you...
I expanded right out of my body, where everybody that ever loved me on any level in any lifetime, in any way, immediately embraced me.

Exploring the quantum particles of me: A unique perspective on the experience of dying
Deep down inside my soul felt excitement.
I knew it was time, knew I was ready.

Signs: It is difficult in the "overwhelm" of the grief to pay attention, so choose your moments.
It is not in your imagination.
It is in your field of awareness that they try diligently,
each one of them,
to make themselves known,