How to Use Reason to Shift Out of Anger
...when logic gets too confusing, too complicated and you get lost in that maze, simplify your thoughts...
This is a message for a woman asking about her desire to leave this world...
I will not reel from fear. I will embrace it as my beautiful friend that has reminded me I’m lost in my ego.
-I’m lost in my mind’s idea
Lifting the Veil of Separation
“I know you realize that there’s a forcefield that we’re all a part of and that’s the God Source energy that inspires each one of us to...
A daughter's message about her experience transitioning channeled for her mother
Imagine everybody you ever knew wrapping their arms around you in this big circle of people just wrapping their arms around each other...
My son passed in a car accident; What was his experience?
There was just me, outside of me but still me and more magnificently me than I ever thought I could be.
Death from A Soul's Perspective
There is no moment of the experience where you stop; you do not stop, you simply shift, you do not lose your way, you simply need to refocus
Use Breath to Connect with Loved Ones in Spirit
Your loved ones are guided by a higher power. They are surrounded by angelic energy.
The Real Purpose is Being You
It’s not scary...different means we grow, means we learn things about ourselves we wouldn’t have learned if everything stayed the same
A Leap of Faith - from the Mind into the Heart
A leap of Faith, it is a jump from the concrete reality of intellectual certainty to the ever-flowing expansive awareness of our divinity.
I Will Be the Thread of Hope
“Why is my life becoming so intense? Why is everything getting so intense?
Why can’t I feel comfortable in any given moment?”