A young man shares his experience transitioning as the moment he saw through the fear...
my soul said, "I love it. I Am it. I’m everything. I’m the water. I’m the sea. I’m the air. I’m the energy. I’m the light. I’m the love."

Plug in to Peace, Purpose & Divinity
They know the way out of the mind is through the Heart.
They know the way out of the fear is through the Love.

A brother in spirit speaks to his sister about his connection to her and her son and so much more...
He knows who you are. He knows who you came to be. You’re not here to figure him out. He’s here to show you who you are.

We Are A Continuum
it is the unknowns that bring you the fear and the fear that brings you the grief.

Freedom from Disappointment
We understand that life has a divine flow that we cannot possibly fathom in our human intellect.

The Millennial generation and the Children of the World; Soulful Insight from Princess Diana
The children of the world are the seeds of the future and, as with all seeds, they need to be nourished and supported.

Spirit's Bigger Picture Insight on the Corona Virus Channeled March 11, 2020
The client asks: Why is this happening? What’s the bigger picture of it? Spirit responds: "Yes, the concern is real and affirmed here in...

A Message from the Angels cont’d...
When it’s out of this world, believe it.
What could the harm be in embracing this moment where I feel the chills move through my body...