A Message Channeled from the Soul of Cleopatra to Women of the World in August 2024
You are the anchors of unconditional love, and unwavering faith in the power of that love...A message from Michael for Moms with children in spirit.
A Soul Hug for a Mom from her Brilliant Old Soul Son in Spirit.
"There was no sense of uncertainty in me at that moment I left my body behind." A Daughters interpretation of Dying.
A dad asks his son in spirit: "Is he sad when we get sad? Does he get sad?"
There are Angels among us. There are loving beings of light in every experience we have.  There are powers beyond the human comprehension here in Spirit and in physicality, willing to assist u
We are a continuum. There is a light of awareness within each soul. There is a source of love that runs so deep at the core of every soul...
Accepting Death as A Natural Part of Life. Grandpa Sam's experience dying.
Message from Mary - Allow the concept of a higher purpose beyond the human idea of purpose, to be what brings a moment of pause in the midst of the grief.
An Empowering Healing Message of Love for a Mother from her Son in Spirit
The soul is stepping forward expanding the ability to experience divinity in this reality.