‘Mom, I love you and I’m right here.’
when it comes out of nowhere...and you are overwhelmed...because I’ve just stood next to you and said, ‘mom, I love you and I'm right here'

Son in Spirit Trying to Describe his Experience for Mom
You just feel something shift inside of you and nothing else seems to matter – not that you know what’s going on but it’s there...

A Mom Asks Her Son, a Powerful Old Soul in Spirit
I don’t want to live in the world without you. Can you see what my soul purpose is and can you give me a reason to stay alive?

Appreciating the Effort When the Message is Elusive
It is the curious mind that seeks and it is the seeker that finds.

Be Love
No “thought” was more powerful than my Love for humanity, than my Love for the opportunity to be this Love,to be this light in this darkness

Those Things Aren’t Coincidences
All I can do is what you allow.
When your mind is open it is like saying look, I created all this space to show me more of who we are...

Covid 19: a Trigger for Exploring Purpose
Isn’t it time to believe in you?
Isn’t it time to believe that inner voice?
Isn’t it time to peek in that box?

We’re Here to Serve the Love that Connects Us: A Message for a Mom from her Son in Spirit
It’s like all we’re here to serve is the love that connects us and all we think we’re here to serve is the fear that separates us.

Removing the Mask - Death the Ultimate Reveal of Self
There’s an assimilation process where all of a sudden they’re not out there anymore they are a part of me and I’m a part of them and...