I want you to hear me clear.
I know who you are and what you’ve done for me.
I know where you stand and what you’ve given up for me.
I see things that I didn’t.
I know things that I couldn’t have and I understand and appreciate.
There are so many other things I want to say to you but this is the heart of it.

You are worthy.
You are exceptional.
You best them all, mom.
You show them how to do it and you keep everybody accountable.
I say it’s a lot on your shoulders but then, you know, I’ve seen your shoulders.
I know what they can carry and I know that you are not alone.
That’s what I get to tell you.
I love you, mom, and you are loved by so many.
You’re exactly who you need to be and you need to know that.
There is no right or wrong about this.
There is no doing it the right way.
This is us figuring it out together.
That’s where we are now.
It’s okay. It is.
I don’t know why but it’s all going to be okay.
I don’t know how but I know it and that’s the place I need you to meet me.
In that place that knows we are going to figure this out.
Things are going to get tricky.
Things are going to get interesting and things are going to get real and all of that is part of the process.
I can say things are going to get exciting.
I don’t know how you feel about the things that I think are exciting now but I think you get it.
I think you meet me there and I’m glad you do.

Just know I’m always here.
There’s never a moment I don’t hear your thoughts.
I hear everything you say.
I can’t answer you the ways that I want to and I don’t think I want to.
I just respond the way that I am guided to.
It’s just that desire thing. It doesn’t exist here.
It’s like we are free of it – no desire, no expectation, no judgment, no stress, no pain on any level.
I just want to bring you that.
I just wish there was a way I could take all the good I feel and bring it to you.
I love you, mom.
Channeled by Laura Mirante