Evening 2025 Year of Intuitive Living
Aligning body-mind with the soul to live an intuitively inspired purpose driven life.
Service Description
Humanity is experiencing a great awakening to our soul's desire to live purposeful. Intuition is the language of the Soul. Let yourself be guided gracefully through 2025 as the veil thins and your intuition expands by re-Learning the language of your soul and exploring new soul-purpose aligned potentials. This series is taught by souls in spirit channeling messages specifically for you live through Laura every 4 weeks for 6 sessions. Each person receives specific channeled messages, energy downloads, meditations, affirmations, mantras and insight into their own intuitive blocks and connections from Spirit guides, Arch Angels, Loved Ones, Ascended Masters and the Higher Self.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
+ 561-302-5405
Delray Beach, FL, USA