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Intuitive Development

With Laura Mirante

Intuition is the language of the soul felt in the heart
Learn to talk to your  
Loved Ones

Spirit Guides
& Angels
from your Loved Ones, Spirit Guides
& Angels
Square Stage


~ Intuitive Development ~ Field Awareness

 Classes are forming ~


Learn to talk to your Loved Ones, Spirit Guides & Angels 

from your Loved Ones, Spirit Guides& Angels

This is a 6 session intuitive development series done in small groups.

(4-7people) taught primarily by spirit guides channeled through Laura.

Each session is tailored specifically for each person by spirit as the classes come together to guide each person on how to identify and expand their own intuitive connection.

The pendulum is an excellent tool to use to open your intuitive lines of communication.

It can be used to receive messages from loved ones in spirit or for very practical guidance on day to day situations from your guides. 

This bi-weekly series will include but not be limited to:

Each session will be taught from a different spiritual perspective. The topics will be defined by the group and the needs of each individual in the group.

Each session will begin with a lesson for the group and messages to identify where each person can focus to clear your field and sharpen your intuitive reception.

Week 1 -

We will begin with a message from Sally Baldwin, a phenomenal spiritual channel and teacher when she was in her body and an extremely insightful and effective teacher from her position in spirit. She will work in you like a computer engineer and tweak whatever is in the way of you easily receiving intuitive guidance daily.

  • Week 2 - Entities such as but not limited to:

    • Michael​ 

    • Abraham

    • Seth

    • Kryon

  • Week 3 - Arch Angels

    • Michael​

    • Gabriel 

    • Uriel

    • Raphael 

  • Week 4 - Ascended Master

    • Jesus​

    • Buddha

    • Mary

    • Lao Tzu

    • Confucius 

  • Week 5 - Native / Indigenous Leaders

    • Chief Joseph​

    • Geronimo

    • Sitting Bull

    • Sacagawea

    • Pocahontas 

  • Week 6 - Higher Self

  • The topics are not set in stone so each person has a say on what they would like to work on.

These are some possible topics that will be covered:

  • Channeling Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

  • Creating a space conducive to being open to spiritual communication

  • Individual channeled guidance on your personal external space

  • Individual channeled guidance on your personal internal space

  • Learn to open your channel using intention & prayer of protection

  • Understanding the benefit of meditation 

  • Explore different forms of meditation to identify your personal key to the higher mind

  • Identifying mental and emotional interference

  • Individual channeled guidance on mental/emotional interference

  • Identify your guides, protectors and gatekeepers

  • Individual channeled guidance on anything creating subconscious blocks to connecting directly with spirit


Learn the language of your soul from your guides & higher self 

Here's a message Channeled New Years Day - 1/1/23

by Laura Mirante

We’re working on that, aren’t we?  We’re working on transforming the brain from a logical processor to an intuitive integrator, to an inspirational motivator and a creative generator

That’s all yours to behold. 

You can leave it that there were a few people that lived in this world that were able to reach higher than most.  You can think about the Christ and the Buddha or can think about DaVinci and his ability to transcend the limits of logic and bring in the creative potential and then try to work it into this world in a logical way.  He’s not alone.  Tesla, Galileo - there are so many and so few that have trusted themselves enough to believe in the field of awareness of unlimited potential.


Think about it.   You can listen to that concept that you have to work hard and stay in your mind where you think you are in control of your life, where you can plan every minute so there’s no room for stillness or for the exploration of the higher awareness, and you can die saying, ‘was that really all life was about?’ like so many other generations… 

Or you can say: 

'I’m going to take this cue from my instinct.  I’m going to honor my gut that won’t stay still and I’m going to believe that if I don’t understand it, if I can’t put it into logical terms, that means my Soul is asking me to step back intellectually to create a space for intuitive integration of a divine purpose I have yet to know I’m here to be.'


Feel that. 

Can you believe that? 

Can you dismiss the logical program long enough to allow this to become the new program? 

Can you override it? 

You can if you can believe it.


As you move through this year watch what challenges your ability to believe it and know that that is so purposeful. Overriding that and walking through it in Faith will show you the magnetic force of your soul, the power to align with potentials that have not yet been realized. 


Think about that.  In your field, the soul drops a potential that your mind hasn’t yet conceived of.  You don’t know that is happening but, all of a sudden, you don’t feel quite so comfortable in your current situation or your current situation is making things very uncomfortable. 

Rather than condemn the external situation, what if you said,

'well, it looks like my soul is stirring things up.  I wonder which direction we are moving in now.'  Feel the freedom you give your soul to create rather than thinking. 

Six Classes will be held over the next 3 months Via Zoom

Join Laura Mirante as she teaches you how to use a pendulum to connect to your Spirit guides and loved ones

Each classes will be limited to 4-7 People 

This class will give you the tools you need to walk fearlessly in 2022 knowing you will always have access to spirits wisdom.

$150.00 per class = $900 Total

Can be paid in full or 

Deposit $150.00 + $125.00 due before each session

Payment via

Zelle, Venmo, CashApp or Credit Card via PayPal 


If you have any questions please email:

New Classes are forming 

2022 Registration is open

If you are interested to learn

Sign up below

Classes will be announced

Intuitive Development

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