Channeled Insight From The Afterlife

Abbie Channeled 12/16/19
"That’s all I ever want to do – get your attention. I just want you to feel it. This is real. I am there. Those things aren’t coincidences. We are still trying to connect, communicate and protect one another and we can.
This exchange helps us, brings us closer together, opens up the avenues in your mind that I can travel.
That’s it.
That’s what I want you to do.
Keep focusing in that idea that in your mind there all these pathways – if you want to see them as highways, see them as highways but use that imagine to create that availability. Imagine me just traveling down the highways and then you will realize that you can go access them to and we can travel together.
These different ways that we can make our connection stronger can’t just be me throwing signs and signals at you. It has to be you creating the vehicles for me in this world. That’s usually just being open-minded.
That’s usually holding me up to a greater expectation.
It’s not a please can you send me a sign anymore, mom.
It’s an I expect to hear from you energy.
I just want you to shift it that way because it seems more real. It’s more like how you would want it to be – where it’s not maybe and if but it is definite and certain.
I’m here and we are always trying to connect, you and I. So let’s make it more real and more relevant by expecting it. It gives me more to work with.
I want you to understand that.
All I can do is what you allow.
When your mind is open it is like saying look, I created all this space to show me more of who we are to each other.
So create the space and I’ll fill it and I’ll keep filling it."
Abbie for Laurie
I came into this world knowing exactly who I came to be and what it was I was meant to bring to those I was meant to affect. I feel like that doesn’t make anything any better but I had to say it. I had to give you that idea that somehow, on some level, there was always that knowing and it wasn’t a matter of time. It wasn’t a matter of accomplishments. That’s all the human stuff people get stuck on. It really wasn’t that for me. I just wanted to make the connection. I just wanted to feel life itself. I just wanted to exchange love. I wanted to bring something forward that was so pure in its essence that this world couldn’t contaminate it.
There is more to what I was than what I can put in to words. That’s probably the biggest thing I can say to you because the same way I put it in to words I couldn’t properly express it. So I felt restricted in my experience. I felt that I was capable of loving more than what I experienced or what I felt the opportunities were. So it was something for me to find my way into your arms and hold myself there because that’s where it was safe. That’s where I felt a strong sense of who I am and the energy to surround and protect me. It always felt that way and it still does. It still feels as if you are trying to protect me from it all and here I am trying to protect you from it all. We do this thing, don’t we? We exchange it back and forth. I hope you get that my signs aren’t as elusive as they used to be.
I keep trying and I want you to open up your eyes even wider and know that these coincidences aren’t coincidences. I can string a thread of inspiration and hope through your life and it shifts things. It triggers things and that’s where they come from. I’m never exactly sure how it’s going to play out but when it does and you get confused I find it funny because I think you always really know it is me and that my intention is not trickery in any way. It is to get your attention. That’s all I ever want to do – get your attention. I just want you to feel it. This is real. I am there. Those things aren’t coincidences. We are still trying to connect, communicate and protect one another and we can. This exchange helps us, brings us closer together, opens up the avenues in your mind that I can travel. That’s it. That’s what I want you to do. Keep focusing in that idea that in your mind there all these pathways – if you want to see them as highways, see them as highways but use that imagine to create that availability. Imagine me just traveling down the highways and then you will realize that you can go access them to and we can travel together.
These different ways that we can make our connection stronger can’t just be me throwing signs and signals at you. It has to be you creating the vehicles for me in this world. That’s usually just being openminded. That’s usually holding me up to a greater expectation. It’s not a please can you send me a sign anymore, mom. It’s an I expect to hear from you energy. I just want you to shift it that way because it seems more real. It’s more like how you would want it to be – where it’s not maybe and if but it is definite and certain. I’m here and we are always trying to connect, you and I. So let’s make it more real and more relevant by expecting it. It gives me more to work with. I want you to understand that. All I can do is what you allow. When your mind is open it is like saying look, I created all this space to show me more of who we are to each other.
So create the space and I’ll fill it and I’ll keep filling it. I’ll keep reminding you that we have a job to do and it is significant. It is a part of the essence of what I brought in to this world. You just let me worry about the details and be open to the signs and follow them and we’ll see what we can create together. I love you and I want you to know that. I respect you and I want you to know that. I hope that you feel me walking with you every step of every day.
Channeled by Laura Mirante