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Beyond Bereavement

A Gathering of Souls

Exploring a continued connection and conversation

beyond death as a path to the Otherside of grief.

"Death is a natural part of life and should be looked at as a joyous return to our natural, spirit self and not as an end of our existence to be feared."

Sally Baldwin


Anchor 2
  • Do you get signs from your loved ones that have passed?

  • Do you feel instinctively / intuitively that there is more to life situations than what appears on the surface?

  • Are you fascinated by the idea of communicating with deceased loved ones and inspired to learn about life, death and life after death from the point of view of our loved ones in spirit?

Meditation by the Sea

We are all Soulfully connected. We can and do communicate intuitively through that Soul-to-Soul energetic connection before, during and after life in the physical.

Grief challenges us to explore our loved ones as divine energy. Grief challenges us to explore our ideas of our own divinity and consider an experience of our loved one beyond the physical through that divine connection. 


This exploration begins by acknowledging the external signs and our simultaneous inner sense of knowing and making that divine connection within us real.

Everything and Everyone is Energy and Energy never dies; the Soul never stops existing, caring or sharing.

We're taking the process of grief and carving out a path

Beyond Bereavement

by having a conversation about and with loved ones on the Otherside.


Join Laura Mirante 

live on News for the Soul 

the first Wednesday of each month @ 9am PST 12pm EST



People will share their experiences receiving signs from their loved ones.

As you hear about other's experiences, you will become more aware of how things are happening in your life that you may not have noticed before. It is always fascinating and many times can be validating to hear how they show up.

Laura will channel messages from loved ones in spirit.


These messages create a doorway in the mind that leads beyond the limits of logic to the 'other side' of grief. 

Afternoon Light

"These are powerful souls that you work with and this is a powerful time in human history for the evolution of human consciousness.

And you, you are on a cutting edge.

And these souls know it

And they feed you the desire for more

And they instigate the experiences that prompt your intrigue.

So stay fascinated stay focused on what you're fascinated with until you become curious for something more and then give all of your focus onto what you're now curious to see what can be."

channeled 9/24

Laura Mirante


This brilliant interpretation of death and grief from​​ a husband in spirit to his recently widowed wife


Imagine if we looked at death differently;

If people weren’t taught to grieve the fact that their loved-one is no longer in a physical body but were taught to now reach higher to connect with them.

What if they were taught that the next phase of the relationship was to

shift out of logic into love,

the energy where the real communication will be now?

I can say that to you so clearly now but I never could have heard this when I was there.

Nobody could have told me that my mother’s death was there to promote my awareness of my inter-dimensional self.

But you’ve got to admit it - it’s done that for you.

Me, your parents, it all seems to push you in a direction that says,' figure out who you are as a Soul,' so we can keep going with this journey...

I never would have thought, but this is where we are and what I understand about life now is accepting it wherever we are, accepting where we are and using it.

Using it as a challenge to know who we really are.

Of course I can say this now. Look where I am, look what I’m doing.

This is me now, this is my existence now, this is my life now.

I don’t want to say this is my death now it implies such a dark ending, but I’m a soul just like you’re a soul and I am confronted with this experience just like you are.

So of course you know I’m going to try everything I can to close the gap, to fill the void, to make things real for you.

I mean why else would we love each other the way we love each other if not to say:

“as the 2 souls that we are we can do this thing. We can hold ourselves accountable to who we are as souls and not lose ourselves to the fear of the human.”

I don’t blame you

I understand you’re scared.

I understand you want it to be different but I also understand that this is a part of our journey and I have a real sense now that everything does fall into place somehow, maybe not the place we want it to fall into but, boy when you leave that body you realize everything is perfect, isn’t that crazy to say but I’m saying it so clearly.

Its like nothing you’ve ever imagined. You can’t put it into words.

I know people try and I know people want to give you the image but I cant imagine trying to explain to you what its like to let go of every limit you ever had, of every fear you ever considered, of every thought that didn’t allow you to see the truth or to know the truth

I don’t know how to explain to you what its like to take off the mask and see yourself for the first time ever, ever for real because that’s what its like…

All of a sudden you see who you really are

Not those eyes and those ears and that face and that body.

You see all those feelings that you’ve ever felt,

all of those desires you’ve ever had,

all of that knowingness you dismissed as irrelevant.

You see it all so clearly.

Is there light?

Of course there’s light like nothing you’ve ever imagined.

Does it come in the form of your loved ones?

Yeah, I guess I can say that.

It’s like they each step in and let you know that they’re right here, right in it as a part of it and they all together begin to weave their energy into yours or yours begins to weave into theirs or I don’t know what I can say.

There’s an assimilation process where all of a sudden they’re not out there anymore they are a part of me and I’m a part of them and everything they are I am and everything I am they are and their awareness becomes available to me as easily as my awareness is.

I don’t know if words can do it justice because its an enormous moment of realization that takes you so far from anything you ever thought life was, where you can't imagine that that life was ever really real.

So I guess the same way that you cant imagine where I am as real its hard for us to imagine where you are is real.

It’s an interesting conundrum isn’t it intellectually speaking to not recognize the illusion for what it is while you’re in the midst of it.

It appears that we’re all in the game on different levels.

It’s like that world collapsed into this world maybe I can say it like that.

Where all of the physical boundaries of that world just dissipated but the energy of everything is still everywhere and I’m still in it.

This brilliant interpretation of death and grief from the souls point of view was channeled from a husband that passed suddenly for his wife

Channeled 10-10-18

by Laura Mirante


Message for a a woman about connecting with her sister who crossed over.


“…this is where you make the connection so real that grief is an offense to your knowingness of her eternal existence...

We will put it to you in a way that will help you to understand:

If the roles were reversed…

If you were in spirit and your sister was in the physical you would stop at nothing to break the boundaries of logic down, to dissipate the fear and allow yourself to be recognized and realized and re-experienced in a new way

Your mind can pretend that she's gone and as long as it does you don’t get to explore life with her in this new way

Because that is the only place that humans are separate-in their minds

All souls are part of One dynamic energy

All souls are connected and

All souls are part of everlasting life force energy

So it is up to you dear to work through the inconsistencies in the mind

The grief says:

“I miss you”

But the love says:

“I honor you, I know you and I'm willing to know you now in a new way in your new definition..."

Message for a a woman about connecting with her sister who crossed over.

Channeled 2-2018

via Laura Mirante

What happens when we die?
Who are you going to want by your side?

"You begin to feel a sense of recognition. You begin to feel something so familiar to you and yet something that seems in that moment so foreign until an energy overwhelms you.

As many have put it in the physical - until the light takes you over, until the light itself blinds you of your physical nature and redefines how you perceive your beingness.
For what occurs, is the light shines so deeply into the essence of who you are that your energy begins to shine right back.
Your energy begins to say,
"Yes, it's me and, yes, I'm Home.”
It is that simple, dear ones.
The fear that we have in the physical of this most wondrous experience limits the human being’s ability to fully embrace what they are moving into and is what we are building up to here tonight.
It is this idea that leaving the earth plane, that leaving your physical body, is truly a moment to be embraced, a moment to be perceived in the awe that it deserves – not only by the individual taking that step but all those that love that individual.
We, again, ask you to put yourself in that position to really begin to think about,
"what will it be like for me?"

Don’t wait until the moment before your transition to think about it.
Think about it now.
Who are you going to want by your side?
When you are about to go on the most magnificent journey of this entire incarnation, when you are about to feel freer than you have ever felt in this lifetime, more loved than you can ever conceive of, who do you want sitting by your side?
Is it the one that is sobbing in grief begging you to stay or is it the hopeful one that knows you are going home, that knows that you are not going anywhere, that knows you are just shifting your perception of life, that you are just now going to be seeing, experiencing, and knowing this physical world from a different point of view?
As you ask these questions ask yourself who you love enough to be that for.
Who can you hold the candle for when they need the light to assist them on their journey?"
Channeled 6-27-14
by Laura Mirante

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Anchor 1

A message from Michael channeled for a group of moms with children in spirit:

Each one of you is aware of a deeper conversation in the heart with the soul.

You have this understanding in you, a feeling of knowing, a sense of unity that denies and defies any intellectual certainty of the distance between you and your child. 


So, it becomes an issue only when it is important for you to make a choice, when you feel you need to give all of your ideas over to one concept, where you need to give your entire belief over to one idea. 


You’re thinking now,

"Well, it serves me to search for more, to explore the feeling of knowing, to affirm these divine synchronicities when I feel them, when I see them, when I know it is relevant." 


You are here to understand the deeper sense of knowing is truth. 


It is the experience occurring on the soul level, communicated through divine intelligence, through those energetic lines of continuity, for we are a continuum – all one and one in all in the energy of All That Is. 


It’s an energy that can speak simultaneously in many different individuals and you’ll feel it more and more as you work with these brilliant souls, as you feel their divine intelligence conveyed to you in a way that your intellectual mind can appreciate.

channeled 1/25/23 

via Laura Mirante

Message for MOMS continued:

You are warriors, pathfinders, pioneers honoring the journeys of souls that have come without any fears limiting their ability to explore their divinity, willing to use that challenge of being human to serve humanity in their own unique ways.

You the anchors of unconditional love,

you the anchors of unwavering faith in the power of that love between you to bridge the gap created in the minds of thecultures you break free from now.


It is your bond in the truth of the love innate in that bond that creates the expectation of result here, where you know they will stop at nothing to reach you.

Where you know that regardless of every justification to stay deep in the grief, this inner desire for more pulls you forward and allows you to receive them in these signs, to feel them as they stand next to you and to know in your thoughts their intentions.

That’s the experience you explore here.  

It is not contained in logic, so you cannot justify it intellectually.  


You can onlyexplore it experientially, together as one – one intention to be connected eternally regardless of space and time – to provethe dynamic nature of our inner connection and how our outer world can be a treasure hunt.  


It is your greatest gift to your children to see life as the opportunity to explore the everlasting nature of our souls, for they are in that exploration, you see, and they do desire your complementary perspective.  

Isn’t that what we offer our children?


Exploring a continued connection and conversation with a loved one in spirit is a path through grief that can open a line of communication with spirit in you that leads you beyond bereavement to a clearer connection with your higher power.


All that is needed is courage and an open mind.


If you believe there is something more than you know, the door of curiosity opens in the mind and access to that experience is available.

If you are certain they are gone they will give you the freedom to have that experience.


It is always your choice.

People Fear what they do not understand and cannot control.

Death is the ultimate, inevitable, unknowable experience.


What is trauma? 

Trauma is the subjective experience of an event, or series of events, that overwhelms an individual’s capacity to cope. 

Losing a child is a traumatic event and many parents may experience PTSD symptoms as a result.


PTSD is characterized by three symptom clusters:

intrusions (e.g., flashbacks, nightmares, emotional or

physiological reactivity to reminders), avoidance/numbing

(e.g., avoiding reminders associated with the event, loss

of affect), and hyperarousal (exaggerated startle, hypervigilance,difficulty sleeping). 


Why use HeartMath for trauma? 

The heart has a central role in living a life of balance, love, goodness and meaning. 

The heart is one of the most grounding resources you have. 

Being in the heart can help create a space to help you find your way back from a traumatic event.


© 2020 by Laura Mirante. Proudly inspired by Spirit

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