Deep beneath the fear exists the grief and underneath the weight of that grief exists the experience of isolation.
It is the ultimate in separation of self, where one stands isolated in grief, feeling alone in the experience.
When in truth, nothing, nothing could be further from the truth
For the minute a soul is released from its physical form, it surrounds the loved ones as love with an embrace of divine truth that feels like love, overwhelming love.
And the rational mind takes that love and says, "well, that is what once was and is no longer available to me."
And what you know to be true is that is an untruth, that this love, that you feel wrapping itself around you, overwhelming your heart from the inside,
expanding from within the connection of souls as truth, is proving the bond of love is never ending.
Life itself is an experience of ‘Being’, and you are experiencing being loved by these brilliant souls, by what your mind says are your children, by what you know are your comrades in spirit.
That that is your truth, that this journey continues, that your ability to be curious, to explore what else can be experienced will offer you new ways of ‘Being'
New ways of ‘Being’
Being one co-creative expression of purpose united in love, not divided by ideas.

That's what you've come to explore, experience ‘being’
And you are, with all that you are, opening up to embrace this divine love as truth that will guide you forward,
as purpose that becomes a part of your instinct.
And you love to let love lead you, each one of you here, to surrender into that ‘mode of being’
For why else would you pursue the continued conversation if you didn't recognize its truth and relevance, the feeling of importance and alignment with a sense of purpose?
And the sense of purpose is the energy of love that guides your instinct,
no need to direct it intellectually,
no need to figure it out,
just a moment of pause that allows the awareness of the direction of the instinct to guide the movement forward.
Oh, it is what your children have learned to master
With the willingness and hope that you give them in frequency
and the gratitude as you respond,
it becomes quite the reciprocity doesn't it.

Love to love in all of its brilliant forms.
And you do love to love these souls beyond your concept of your children.
And you have embraced yourselves beyond the concept of mothers.
You are powerful warriors pioneering a way of being that the average mind is in fear of adapting to, in fear of losing itself to, as you each have had to face, which parts of your ego identity you would allow to adapt to this awareness and the prompting in your instincts that it creates.
And the more you let go of defining it as an option the easier it becomes the assimilation process,
the assimilation of the higher awareness into the lower levels of consciousness.
In that imagery in the higher and the lower, you give your mind something to work with that says,
“I want my mind to be defined by the higher frequencies so no lift is needed;”
where you exist as one and the conversation continues whether you are asleep or awake whether you are in meditation or in traffic.
Yes this is the life you look to live without question,
without doubt, and without need for logical affirmations.
Now, you live for what the magnetic force of curiosity and hope can bring into your field of potentials and your willingness can bring into your experience of co -creation; and that's where they stand these boys, these men, these authorities of intuitive intelligence and the way that it works its way into your cognitive recognition.
You see, it's not always logical and it can't always be in images, but synchronicities seem to be the play of the day.
So keep your mind aware of the unfolding of life through its synchronicities.
No mistakes, no errors, no getting sidetracked, always being directed and redirected according to the energies of purpose and potentials available in the moment.
According to what the magnetic force of your faith, your curiosity, and your willingness brings forth.

These are powerful souls that you work with and this is a powerful time in human history for the evolution of human consciousness.
And you, you are on a cutting edge.
And these souls know it
And they feed you the desire for more
And they instigate the experiences that prompt your intrigue.
So stay fascinated stay focused on what you're fascinated with until you become curious for something more and then give all of your focus onto what you're now curious to see what can be.
The evolution of womankind depends on it.
For as you can see, from where you stand, it is the women that had the power to overcome the fear of the divide created in dualistic thinking and to overrun the old programs with conscious awareness of the recognition of the Oneness, of the way your beautiful children can walk into this world and get your attention in many different forms and facets and dynamics of being.
And it was difficult in the beginning to comprehend letting go of what you desired it to be… And now you get it,
that there are so many ways still to explore,
to be in awe of,
to be recognized as a part of the evolutionary steps that you take in faith,
and hope, with curious excitement moving you forward.
I am beyond humbled, for what I see in each one of you is an aspect of me made manifest without fear dissecting the innate truth of my soul.

There aren’t many that can sustain that level of faith in their logical ideas of themselves to counterbalance the fear in humanity and walk this world with the faith of the Divine Mother.
Yet you do, as you know that you do, as you have a peace now about the role you play, about the importance of this dynamic, and how strong the will of your soul is, which has pulled you through all of the misconceptions of logic you've come to face as truth, as the truth of the everlasting nature of the love that we are.
I am Mary an aspect of this experience that exists in each one of you and I confidently offer my willingness to be that point of power in the Divine field of 'Oneness of Being.’
Mother Mary channeled for moms working intuitively learning and growing, with their sons in spirit.
By Laura Mirante