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Being an old soul in a young soul society - for a mom from her daughter in spirit...

Here's a message about being an old soul in a young soul society for a mom from her daughter in spirit...

" I couldn’t just give in. I couldn’t just give everything I am over to a system that didn’t honor who we are as souls. My soul always knew that.

I came to have an experience, to live in it, to explore it, to hopefully help change it in my own little way; and I think whatever way my soul, digging it's heels in and not giving in, was my way of rebelling against the conditioning of my pure potential of me.

It was nothing to do with you because you gave me freedoms others didn’t.

It was looking out at society and thinking,

"This is it? This is what I’m supposed to give my energy over to?

This is what I’m supposed to breathe, live and die for? "

All I could see was the attachment to the material that people were so in awe of.

It’s the pursuit isn’t it?

That’s what we have to figure out?

What job we’re going to have to make the money to get the things that we need to get, to have, to live.

Man, mom, it’s such a messed up system and people are in it so deep they don’t realize it.

Why do you think there are so many suicides, mom?

Why do you think there are so many drug addicts?

Don’t condemn it, don't condemn them.

That’s their way of standing their ground.

They don’t know it but as souls what they are saying is:

"We can’t. We can’t.

We just can’t keep going and giving our energy into this system."

The homeless people, the autistic people, all of the drug addicts and alcoholics are all the same beneath the surface.

Underneath it all their soul says:

" I can’t be human the way you are asking me to be human because it’s inhuman."

Channeled August 2020

via Laura Mirante

adjective: inhuman

1.- lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy; cruel and barbaric.


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