I stand with each one of you in Faith
I offer you each a sense of purpose beyond any logical idea or concept that can be conceived of
You are in your own right orchestrating a way of exploring a divine dynamic that challenges every expectation and assumption of what should be
And we are, as One intention,
an Energy of Fatih,
'A Field of coherent responsibility' to one another
I am the Divine Mother, I am Mary
I have offered myself in many ways to those that walk this path
I have created a foundation of Faith for those to build upon that choose to look in my direction
I impose nothing on anyone
I only extend an experience of Faith that allows an intellect to perceive of possibilities beyond it’s concept
I know with great Faith comes great responsibility and great achievements
And the energy of purpose will not limit itself to anyone’s fear
So you are each within your own capabilities here
Knowing full well what you are as souls
What this love is and how important it is to pursue
that sense of purpose
There need not be any rational justification, just a sense of self-importance
In recognizing that, you give the power of Faith to the energy of Purpose
And then in that intention is 'cohesive co-creation'
You are the most magnificent specimens of human;
willing to Love beyond one’s self,
beyond ones sense of capacity
to be a bridge of Faith for your children to walk easily into this world as who they are now and inspire an experience of being beyond any concept of themselves
We have an enormous capacity to change humanity and as women we fear that role
For that role to change the world has been defined with such brute force and chosen ignorance
Believing in the power of embodying selfless-compassion is difficult for an intellect oriented in this brutally ego-oriented manor
So you stand apart from those that condemn life
You stand away from those that deny the continued existence of our soul
In that separation from chosen ignorance your divine truth expands in this world and creates a field of possibility
With great reverence, respect, humility and gratitude I extend to you the Divine embrace of Faith, Unconditional Love and True appreciation
Let that be the foundation for every step you take in this world
For you,
You are a Gift from God
channeled May 7, 2023 for a group of moms with children in spirit
by Laura Mirante