Our Kula

Leah Fortner

Welcome to our Kula! I’m Leah, one of the original Co-Founders and current Creative Director of this fashion manifestation known as Kala. From its roots, over 10 years ago, running in our imaginations on the floor of our friend’s and family’s homes, to dissolving the company in order to travel the world and make babies, to now operating at its most evolved state, Kala has reflected and been a part of who I am and all I do. I find it amusing that being a jeweler/designer was never on my “When I grow up I want to be a…” list. Yet, to date it has become a craft I spend a large portion of my life doing and it truly encompasses many of my “talents” and pleasures in one collective experience. Kala has been an unexpected and divine unfolding that I couldn’t imagine my life without.

I studied Stone Therapy in College, as I received a Bachelors and Masters in Holistic Theology and am a certified Reiki Master, which I apply to all of our creations and also use in my personal holistic practice. However, my connection to crystals and healing stones began when I was about 13. I was bed ridden from a serious illness for over a month. Through synchronicity I met a healer who provided me with a crystal necklace to wear. Within a few days the illness had left my body and a new door on my path had opened. Kala allows me to share with others the magical possibilities of consciously made and used jewelry.

“What you see and feel on these pages, in these pieces, and behind these words are my heart, soul, and the creative collaborations with the amazing souls in my life, and of course my connection to Mother Earth. Thank you for being here, for supporting our vision, and for inspiring us to create more.”