How far into the fear can you go and still know your power, still feel the support of the Divine?
You’ve tested those waters and your mind has said, well, we’ve reached it.
There’s no divine here.
Darkness must mean there is no divine here, right?
Isn’t that what the intelligent idea of light and dark has created?
Sure, light is good, dark is bad.
Boogey men live in the dark.
Bad things happen in the dark.
Light is known in the dark, dear ones, and to find it is to allow yourself to be guided by it.
It’s always a gift to you, isn’t it?
{to think}
"Do I believe the mind that tells me I’m alone down here in the dark or can I take a breath away from those thoughts?
Can I take that breath and remember that when I take that breath, I simplify everything?
I release myself from all thoughts. I bring myself back to my divine truth. In that breath it brings me back to my heart center, that frequency of being that is divine, that unconditional space of love.
Can I give myself the gift of taking that breath long enough to hold me there in that embrace of divine love, in that energy of divine truth, my divine truth?
Am I strong enough to love myself enough to be the light that guides me through the darkness where all of the deepest moments of realization of our divinity exist?"
Channeled via Laura Mirante